Showing posts with label maternity care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label maternity care. Show all posts

Friday, November 8, 2013

Why Access to Good Women's Care is Not a Bad Thing

Many of the hot button issues surrounding Obamacare are in relation to women's care.
 Below are a few blurbs about why these issues may not be so bad.  I strongly advise you to check out the links.


A Few Words

Birth Control Access is Good for Society
Economist Martha Baily found that access to contraceptives and family planning helps an entire family.   For those who have access, they and their children are show better college completion rates, labor force participation, and higher wages.

Why Charging Men for Maternity Care is Fair
Even though a man cannot physically have a baby, he helps in the creation. And even if a man never has a child, he was once someone's kid.  Read the article from Slate-- it offers surprising reasons why men should be charged for maternity care.  It'll make sense once you finish the article.